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Design MEETings with Christian Stocker, of Caduff Stocker Lichtplanung
Design MEETings with Christian Stocker, of Caduff Stocker Lichtplanung => Get lighten up your own rooms, enjoying it to have no rules! Understanding light and using it correctly is an essential part of supporting and enhancing the effect of architecture, interiors, and landscapes. The interaction of architecture and interpreted light gives environments a profile and, in addition to calculating and selecting fixtures, requires sensitive handling of the light medium.
The focus of every lighting project is on people with their perception of light and shadow. With its holistic planning approach, high-quality lighting planning pursues the overriding claim of creating atmosphere, well-being, and orientation. All this is what Caduff & Stocker Lichtplanung does!
Light is of great importance in an interior design project, so we decided it would make perfect sense to interview such a renowned company as Caduff & Stocker Lichtplanung to give us this perspective on such an important element in our homes and in all interior designs.
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Christian Stocker is one of the company’s partners. This path of interior design began about 15 years ago when he decided to leave the world of electro-engineering for something more creative. However, as he had worked in electro-engineering for 10 years, he did not want to completely leave all the knowledge he had acquired in this area.
That’s how the idea of a company that develops special lights for every need independently or together with their partners came about.
They realize everything from decorative luminaires with the latest controllable LED technology to puristic office workstation lights and complex lighting systems with integrated equipment such as ventilation, sprinklers, or in combination with acoustically effective components. design meetings with christian stocker
We always like to know where they get their inspiration. In the case of Caduff & Stocker Lichtplanung, Christian Stocker tells us that it is in the interaction with clients and architects that they get inspiration. “The best ideas are the ones you get in combination with others. You need confrontation, discussion, and critical questioning to get better every time.”
The first phase of creating a light concept is to understand the statement a room wants to have. Then of course every single detail as colors, materials, technical issues, even assembling details as mounting possibilities, accessibilities, etc. design meetings with christian stocker
To do this successfully, Christian tells us that the best way to understand customers is to meet them in person. They need to know the character of the clients as much as they can and then surprise them with unexpected details.
Of all the projects already done, Christian reveals his favorite: an old building with a long history – the Zurich Stadthalle. It is a protected building with a very demanding architecture and straight to his neighborhood. He feels very proud of this project because he thinks the light design gives the building the respect it deserves.
As for what they project for the future Caduff & Stocker Lichtplanung plans to do a little bit of everything, from hotels, restaurants to office spaces and private objects.
We have already realized the importance of light and the work of those who make it, right? Now when it comes to interior design lovers, after realizing all this importance, what advice should we follow? design meetings with christian stocker
Nothing better than someone professional in the area, and Christian advises “to lighten up your own rooms, enjoy it to have no rules. Do whatever your creativity puts out of your head. Use table lamps, floor lamps, hidden light sources, etc.” design meetings with christian stocker
Caduff & Stocker Lichtplanung has already worked with brands from Covet Group like DelightFULL.“We like the designs and product diversity”.This was one of the reasons Christian pointed out for choosing the brand. Another reason is that customers value craftsmanship as well as good quality and innovative designs.
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